Well new kid on the block, Harvey Mercadal was allowed out on his own this morning. 

He disappeared over the wall into the jungle that is next doors garden. 
Hmm I thought , probably be 24 to 36 hours before he decides that his new home is good. 

Not a bit of it. 

In a flash, less than 5 minutes he was back. 

He whizzed by just giving me time to see he had someone in his mouth. 
He took it to the default rat station, underneath the washing line – is that because they know I will see it there and usually emit a satisfying scream ? 
He dropped it, XL size I would guess. Freshly despatched. 
As I went away to get something to remove it Harvey started his feast. With gusto. 

Maybe that’s what he’s been living on for some time now. 
He’s about 30 percent underweight. And he has a healed broken femur. And lots of small wounds. 

When I came back he’d gone. And so had the rat. 
Sometime later I spotted him under an orange tree. Grabbed him by the neck and smacked his bottom. He dropped what little was left of Roland. I threw him into my bedroom and scurried back to remove rat.
Gone. Not a sign. 

Was he telling me that it’s worth letting him live here? 

Had to take this photo of him with a red nose. Reminds me of Katie many years ago when she stole a bowl of mussels in red escabeche sauce.