Meet the Garden Cats
Cats in Need Menorca rescue many cats every year. Most are able to be reunited with their colonies and live a full and healthy life. However, there are a few cats that are unable to survive in the wild because of disabilities, the need for continuous treatment, or need special dietary requirements. These cats are looked after by Janice for life, until they find a loving home or until they are strong enough to return. Meet the garden cats that live with Janice …
Be a Kitty Sponsor
Many of the Garden Cats that come to Cats in Need Menorca are in need of constant medication, treatment or special diets. Why not be a sponsor of one of the Garden Cats that has touched your heart.
Come & Visit The Garden Cats
You can come and vist the Gardens Cats: Sundays 11am – 13.30pm & Fridays 11am – 13.00pm Address: Noria Riera 16 Es Castell. Everybodys Welcome