Great, great, great granny of Binibeca, Joanetta
Great, great, great ( you get the picture) granny of Binibeca, Joanetta, proving that not even cats can multi task.
I noticed yesterday that she was clicking her teeth when eating and pawing at her face.
So I took her to vet last night.
The whole street and possibly further afield , knows when we go to the Vet for she is stone deaf. Yesterday I hoovered round her and she didn’t hear it.
And so she shouts. Her late owner was also deaf and shouted. She is after all 20 years young!
I gave Joanetta a home when Juanita, her human Mum died.
She has settled in so well.
Anyway I digress.
She has a loose incisor so was given a painkiller and I am just about to repeat it.
She has been brushed for a third time , you can see the hair on the stool, and has just eaten a bowl of biscuits and some wet food without a problem but time now for more medication. We do rely entirely on public support for our work and no donation is too small for us!
Sometimes people have difficulty setting up a direct debit with Virgin Giving from a phone but it usually is fine with a laptop.
Este es Joanetta, tiene 20 años, y había vivido toda su vida en Binibeca, pero su amo murió este año y vino a vivir conmigo.
Es un amor de gata.
Se ha adaptado bien, pero anteayer me di cuenta que tenía dolor al comer.
Efectivamente cuando fuimos al Vet anoche tiene un incisivo suelto.
De momento está con analgésicos y vamos a ver si la semana k viene con mucho cuidado tendremos k quitarle este diente.
Cuando vamos al Vet todo el vecindario se da cuenta porque chilla.
Es completamente sorda.
Como se aprecia en la foto le acababa de peinar porque ella ya no se limpia mucho.
Esta mañana ha comido muy bien , tanto seco como latitas pero ahora le toca más analgésicos