Little Lulu
And she’s home.
Little Lulu having a last cuddle with her Vet.
Operation successful and home now for lots of treats and love.
For those of you who don’t know Lulu is blind in both eyes. She had a virus as a kitten.
On Monday night she had blood pouring from her right eye. And so it has been removed.
She’s a little bit nervous of the other cats, more so than usual and they obviously recognise the smell of the Vet on her so not happy either.
Hopefully it will all settle down soon.
It’s manic at the moment, requests for help , kittens everywhere and elderly cats struggling in the heat.
This afternoon I had to cuddle yet another cat as she slipped away to Rainbow Bridge.
Molly has been cared for in one of our colonies for 15 years. She has been a lucky and clever cat so far for where they live is a dangerous place and many have lots their life there. Pat brought her in about 10 days ago saying that she had lost weight.
We saw that she had an incisor loose and this was removed.
I took her home for her to get over this with painkillers and anti inflammatory but she wouldn’t eat and didn’t make the expected recovery and one night she vomited.
Back to the Vet and we did a blood test which showed kidney failure. We have her medication and food straight into her stomach to try and get her eating again.
But it didn’t work and she was clearly unhappy so we made the sad decision to let her go.
She will be much missed by Pat Brenda, Debbie and Hassan , her carers and by Tommy her feline companion of many many years.
This morning two youngsters with no Mum had to be left with our vet. They had been missing , one for 3 days and the weaker female for 5 days in all this heat.
We feared that we would never find them again , that they would have a horrible death.
Jesse is the name of the little girl seen here. A photo of Jasper will follow later.
They both have ear mites, hers were particularly bad , some of the worst I have ever seen.
After the cleaning of ears etc she was absolutely exhausted and just curled up in her cage.
The black and white tom was found collapsed two nights ago and treated by our vet.
So it’s every day and every day we feed over 200 cats.
We have some loyal and kind people who contribute every month but we need more financial help to carry on caring for and neutering the strays of Menorca.
Can you help?
If you would like to help support Little Lulu you can donate here
Ya está en casa la pequeña Lulú después de su intervención para quitarle un ojo.
La pobre está un poco desorientada. Es completamente ciega.
El trabajo sique , más cada día.
Hoy para la segunda vez en una semana hemos tenido que poner a dormir a una gata viejecita con fallo renal y al mismo tiempo coger a dos gatitos deshidratados.
Como todas las sociedades no nos caben más peques. Es un problema gordo cada año. Pero el gran calor lo hace aún más problemático.