It’s just a year since she came into my life Little Lulu

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It’s just a year since she came into my life – Litte Lulu- as I call her.
She was just a baby, about 12 weeks old, friendly and looking for love. Had she had a home and got lost?

The problem was she had a virus which affected both eyes. I thought that she had already lost her left eye,that it was empty, but under inspection it was still there.  She needed 32 drops each day in her eyes. And she let me do it. 

We knew that there was no vision in her left eye but hoped/thought that there might be peripheral vision in her right eye.
The drops were changed as the treatment went on but then she got a huge ulcer on her ”good “ eye.  She started to adapt to being blind but not well. Lulú didn’t develop the instincts that I have seen in other blind cats. 

I tried to find her a home in a safe environment but nothing came up so she stayed with me. Then one night in the summer I found her distressed and bleeding from her left eye. I rushed her to our Vet and her eye was removed.  So she’s still here, settled in, uses the cat flap to go in and I out. I worry about her as she goes into the lane but it’s impossible to keep her in and she loves being out.  She’s good and usually comes when called and I lock her in at night and in bad weather.

I have to be careful picking her up in case she panics. We have been helping cats like Lulu for more than 19 years now.
But we are going through the hardest times ever , a victim of our success maybe, and financially we are really struggling.
In the winter we have no or very few visitors to our open mornings so basically no local income, and very little food donated.
Yet every day we now have some 300 cats to feed as well as vet bills. And quite simply it is impossible. We have no subventions and our income comes from donations and the kindness of people.
Can you help? 

If you could and would like to donate there are various ways to do it :


Donate using Paypal

If you are a UK taxpayer and fill in a form for HMRC we can claim 25% in Gift Aid.
You only need to fill in the form once. If you donate through Virgin Giving they do it for us at no charge or you can email me at for a form.

Sometimes people have difficulty setting up a direct debit with Virgin Giving from a phone but it usually is fine with a laptop.

Hace un año ya k Lulú es parte de mi vida. Apenas tenia 3 meses cuando la encontramos. Ya tenía los dos ojos gratamente dañados debido a un virus. 
Intentamos salvarse los , llegando a ponerla 32 gotas al día pero no pudo ser. 
Le buscaba una casa con jardín vallado pero no fue posible. 
Le encanta estar fuera. 
En verano chocó con algo y daño su ojo izquierdo, el peor de los dos y se lo quitamos. 
No ve nada.